
Registration and Accounts:


Users must provide accurate and complete information upon registration.

Maintain the security of the password and refrain from sharing it with others.

Accounts are personal and their transfer or use by other individuals is not allowed.

Acceptable Use:



Use the platform solely for educational purposes.

Do not publish or transmit illegal, offensive, defamatory, indecent, or harmful content to others.

Avoid any activities that may hinder or interfere with the platform's operations.

Intellectual Property Rights:



Respect intellectual property rights and do not copy or redistribute educational materials without permission.

The content provided by the platform is the property of "Abserfaizer" or its licensed providers.

Privacy and Data Protection:



Adhere to the privacy policy regarding the collection and use of user data.

Do not share or sell user data to third parties without explicit consent.

Changes and Updates:



The platform may update terms of use and other policies from time to time.

It is the users' responsibility to review these changes and comply with them.

Cancellation and Refund:



Clarify the terms related to the cancellation of subscriptions and refund of fees.

Specify conditions under which users can request a refund.

Liability and Arbitration:



Define the limits of the platform's legal liability.

Establish a mechanism for resolving disputes between the platform and users.

Termination of Use:


Conditions under which access to the platform may be terminated for certain users in case of violation of the terms of use.